September 22, 2008

Party Time

Ok - so I'm a bit late posting photos of the party...we had a nasty tummy bug make it's way through my older daughter got it DURING the b-day party Saturday night, poor kid. Then I was sick in the middle of the night Saturday, and spent practically the entire day in bed yesterday...BLECH.
Anyway - the party was fun, we had a good time :) The birthday girls had fun - so that's what matters!

Here are a few pics...
Here are the two birthday girls...

Daddy and daughter dancing (before she got sick, obviously)


Not really sure...


nnooooooo! Take it away, and clean my hands!!!
So, the first birthday cake wasn't a big hit...who knew? My older daughter cried the first time we all sang Happy Birthday to her, so they each have their own 'thing' I guess...
Thanks for letting me share some family time with you!!

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